3 Things we LOVE about AEON Laser

As you guys know we have had out NEW AEON Mira 7 Laser for a little over a week! We are SOOOO pleased with it so far! Devon was able to figure out Lightburn and started engraving things the day it was installed. Waiting 6 months was long enough so we jumped right in since Christmas was right around the corner. We had Christmas presents that we needed to make and we will show you samples below. The very first thing we did was engrave a cutting board for ourselves! Here are some things that we have decided are our favorite things about our Aeon Laser so far.

1. CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! The Customer Service at AEON USA has been AMAZING! Whenever we have a question they are quick to help answer and guide us along. We have been completely satisfied with how caring and helpful the people are.

2. THE OWNER, DANNY MARTINEZ!! Guys, I was on a conference call and got to hear Danny speak and I was blown away. Having good management for a company is so important because you need good leadership and mentors to help others reach their full potential. Hearing Danny speak I could hear how much he wants to honestly just help others and it is not all about the money. I think a lot of CEO's for company get caught up in the money as not the point of the business and after hearing Danny talk I could hear how compassionate he was. He wants all our small businesses to succeed and I found that to be very special. Thank you Danny!

3. THE CAPABILITIES of this machine! This laser is SO fast and so efficient and we are just so amazed with how awesome it is. Aeon has a longer lead time for a reason and waiting for one is certainly worth the wait. 

The pictures above show some of the first products we made. The marble cutting board was the first thing that we made because we think it fits well with anyone's aesthetic. It looks great in our kitchen and we have already gotten so many compliments. The second is some portfolios that we engraved. They engrave SO WELL! We have been so pleased and we love the color. We think these would be great gifts for business professionals! We can add logos, names and company names! The third picture is a custom recipe board we did. A customer sent us a picture of their recipe and we were able to get it traced and engraved straight on the board. The customer CRIED when she was gifted this and that made our heart so happy!!!! 

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